Us: The Witches

 What is a Witch?

This question can be answered in many different ways. So... I am going to be splitting this HUGE question into some other... more simple ones. 

Wicca witch flying on moon full night

What is the "current" concept of a witch?

Witchcraft traditionally means the use of magic or supernatural powers to harm others. A practitioner is a witch. In medieval and early modern Europe, where the term originated, accused witches were usually women who were believed to have attacked their own community, and often to have communed with evil beings. 
It was thought witchcraft could be thwarted by protective magic or counter-magic, which could be provided by cunning folk or folk healers. Suspected witches were also intimidated, banished, attacked, or killed. Often they would be formally prosecuted and punished if found guilty or simply believed to be guilty. 
European witch-hunts and witch trials in the early modern period led to tens of thousands of executions. In some regions, many of those accused of witchcraft were folk healers or midwives. European belief in witchcraft gradually dwindled during and after the Age of Enlightenment.

If we were to picture the visual concept of a traditional witch, this is probably what would come into our minds:
Witch halloween hunt

What is a modern Witch?

The concept of "witch" has drastically changed over the years. 
As I was saying before, some will picture this gothic person as capable of harming others by the use of magic. Some others will picture people straight out of Hogwarts
The truth is that... we DON'T do magic like in the movies or books. We don't shoot lasers, fire, or water out of our wands, and we don't make things explode with our minds (at least... not yet). 

We... study magick. That's what we do. We heal through magick, we guide through magick... 
No. Not everything is good. And no, not every single witch out there will use it for the greater good, but we are not those nasty people from the traditional stories either. 

Most of us follow a path, call it Wicca, Paganism, or Satanism if you will.

I'll enter into more details about the different paths later in the future. 
I think you've had more than enough for today. 

Have a great weekend! 

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